Sunday, August 16, 2009

Awesome August

OK, so August has been super busy...and it is only half over. Our events below kinda go in reverse order, so hang in there. We have so many things to share so I am also happy to share with you a lot of pictures. We will begin with our most recent event, the birthday paint party. The tropcal storm in the gulf granted us with cloud cover and not too hot weather.

Here are the girls blowing out the candles on their "artist pallet" cakes

Aubrey with Daddy enjoying her cupcake

The kiddo's got to be artists again when decorating their cupcakes!

We gave all the kids brushes and paints to get messy and create!

Of course, Aubrey's apron had to have Auburn colors (War Eagle)

Malea has loved playing Candyland with Granny, which she got for her birthday (they are playing for the 30th time while I am working on the blog)

They both also got fairy costumes for the birthday...Thanks Granny

Aubrey had an ice cream sandwich cake for her birthday (not too fond of cake in general)...she needed a little help with the candles this time.

More costumes (which they LOVE) bestowed upon us by Aunt Jessie

The weekend prior to the b'day party we went to a resort in Orlando with our friends Jeff and Dory and thier kiddo's. They have a water part onsite and the kids had a blast...(so did the parents)

On Malea's birthday, she had a Cinderella cake...what a princess

We also welcomed a playhouse to our back yard (thanks to monitary donations of the great-grandparents. The girls have played and played in it. It is now complete also with a little deck so that we won't be on a slope or in the dirt.

They have played well together (as well as can be expected) with all the new toys. Here is Malea "painting" Aubrey's toe nails with her new beauty kit.

Sisterly Love

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